Friday, June 24, 2011

Smart guy in a shorts suit


  1. Hello Daniel, this photo is authentical shorts boys, I agree for idea you look mi blogg.....

  2. A real dandy boy! I always enjoyed wearing such dressed suit as a boy and as a teen. However, I find the colour too formal and dark for the age. I like his scrubbed knees and his aocks pulled up.

  3. He is too well dressed form a boy. Boys will be always boys. They are not men in miniature.

  4. Nice Daniel I agree, this photo is a very classic boy uniform, congratulations ¡

  5. smart dandy- quite a nice to see occasionally

  6. I have only one reservation: his shorts are too snug, too thight on his skin. The legs could be larger with a crease.

  7. The boys name is Tim. When in his teens, Tim came into a lot of money, so for the first time could afford to buy his own clothes. Tim bought many new outfits, all of which featured short trousers. Being a wise boy, Tim knew that boys look more attractive in shorts. The suit Tim is wearing in the photo is his 'business suit' and that is why it is formal. One of Tims' new suits was all white!

  8. It's ok with me. Thanks, Terza, for your details How old is he on this photo? I wish I had a lot of money. I would have done the same as he. Unhappily, I didn't have any control over my clothes up to my college years at 19.

  9. I guess, he could be 16 or 17 for I see some hairs on his creamy knees. He looks also so cute in his businessman-like and thoughtful demeanour. Awful!

  10. I did not know Tim, but I remember his story well.

    At the start, Tim was an ordinary middle-class boy.
    Tim had a marvellous smile, and wonderfully infectious laugh.

    When Tim was 14, he was befriended by a rich man known as ‘The Baron’.
    The Baron was lonely as he was not married, and did not have a ‘civil partner’.

    At the start, the Baron would have his limo, which I remember had tinted windows, parked where he could watch Tim and his friends playing in the street. The Baron loved to see the carefree banter of this group of boys.
    The Baron was so taken with Tim’s smile and laugh, which he longed to have.

    Tim found himself wealthy, when he accepted a proposal of the Baron.
    So, at the age of 14 years, Tim suddenly found he had plenty of money!
    (Some say he became the richest boy in the world!).

    So now Tim could afford proper boy’s clothing.

    Tim immediately ordered several suits, and other more casual outfits, but all featuring short trousers (what our American friends would call short pants) as befitting the fashionably dressed rich boy that he had become.

  11. What is he doing now Terza? Is there a follow-up to this fabulous story? Does he still buy well dressed short pants?

  12. Tim really was the perfect boy:- young, handsome, gay, witty, and good; soft as a rose, sweet as a violet, chaste as a lily, gentle as a dove, loving everybody and by all beloved.

    At first, Tim enjoyed his new found wealth; and he bought lots of new clothes.
    I especially liked his summer outfits that featured very short shorts! Older readers of this blog will remember that in the 1970s short shorts were the height of fashion for young boys. Even men in their 20s and 30s were to be seen wearing short shorts!

    However, after a time, Tim realised that there are some things more precious than money, and regretted the deal he had made with the Baron. He asked the Baron if he would let him out of the deal that he had made with him. The Baron refused to let Tim off the hook.

    You see, the Baron was not a very nice person at all! The Baron was both manipulative and dictatorial. He wanted to use Tim’s good looks, and charm, for his own purposes.

    So Tim had to try and find a way out of his dilemma. A way to break the spell that the Baron had over him. At one point, I remember, Tim teamed up with a Nun in his search for a way out. (A Nun is a lady who does not have sex at all).

    Eventually, Tim found the way to defeat the Baron. In hind-sight it was obvious what Tim needed to do. However, I am glad Tim took so long to figure it out because that meant I saw him wearing so many of his outfits, you remember, all Tim’s outfits featured short trousers!
    Having, at last, defeated the Baron, Tim returned to being an ordinary happy-go-lucky school boy with a charming grin, and wonderfully infectious laugh.

    I have given Dan, the owner of this blog, more photos of Tim; so hopefully, Dan will post a few more pictures soon.

    Also, I have some pictures of Tim that don’t fall into the remit of this blog. I you would like to see these pictures, then give me your email address. My email address is

  13. his real name is thomas "thommy" ohrner. he was born in 1965 and the filmrelease was 1979. on this picture he was 13/14 years old. german title of this movie is "tim thaler"
