Saturday, June 25, 2011

Preppy smoothie in short shorts

Thanks to Alain for this photo of a smooth chap out with his girly.


  1. A new domantic couple for the 21th century! The young lad looks nice and smart in his shorts with a cuff. I used to wear this brand of shorts at the uni. I was then the darling of many girls snd got a lot of dates.

  2. He is dressed casual but in good taste. He has nice, coltish legs, not too hairy. I love!

  3. I don't know whom I could envy more, the young woman looks so loving and charming and the young man so preppy and cute,and look at the harmony of colours: burgundy sweater, mild pink shirt, creamy upper thigh short shorts. snow-white ankle socks and elegant brown shoes. Could you find a better mix? The triumph of good taste and elegance!

  4. Nice understatedness about this one i thought.

  5. Please correct my first comment:A new romantic couple instead of" a new domantic couple" and I got a lot of dates instead of " snd alot of dates" This in fact the couple of my dreams.

  6. nice looking couple; the young man has fantastic legs!
