Friday, November 18, 2011

College lads smart uniform

This is a hot look on older lads- guess the weather in South Africa helps....


  1. Thanks Daniel for wonderful photos, is a great photos, Sudafrican schoolboys is a really uniforms boys ¡

  2. Thought they looked pretty smart and fit in the physical sense. The climate works wonders there by the looks of it!

  3. At last, college students who are not afraid of showing their legs and thighs! They look so smart in their uniforms.

  4. They do don't they- very smart. It makes a difference when uniform is worn with pride and not slobbishly.

  5. The students who wear their shorts at mid-thigh or higher look fantastic.

  6. This is your hottest post ever, Im imagining spanking their bottoms-all of them! Thanks! Mike

  7. And imagine how inspired a teacher could be in front of a whole class of bare legs and thighs boys! These young men prove that you can still enjoy being young and not pretend to be an adult before time.

  8. Well, spankable they were or they still are.This is at least what one of my South-African correspondents told me once. He was still in short trousers in Sixth Form and used to be slapped on his bare legs and thighs when he was bad.
