Friday, October 28, 2011

Montgomery Clift aged 18

Montgomery Clift at 18 (1938) Montgomery Clift at an early age in a play where he acted the role of an eighteen-year-old boy whose mother insisted in keeping him in short trousers out of vanity about her own age. Clift himself was eighteen at the time.
Another pic from this scene here


  1. Really great pic , Danny. Thanks a lot. It's great chic with gusto.

  2. Wow! I didn't know that he was Montgomery Clift, the antithesis of John Wayne. For people who have a hangup about wearing short trousers at 18 years old, he proves that it's not as ridiculous as some people think, after all. I love his milky and well shaped thighs and knees.

  3. Defo not ridiculous, he does look smart and sexy.

  4. I really do wish that we could get boys in their teens to wear short shorts as a matter of rebellion!

    But isn't it just amazing how OLD and grown-up Clift looks for an eighteen year old!

    Today's kids mostly don't look anything like that 'old'!

  5. yeah good point Micky- he does look older- and handsome
