Saturday, March 10, 2012

Short shorts on lads are a fashionable trend it seems...


  1. Fantastic fashion. I especially like number 17. All we need now is a teen idol, such as justin Beaver, to take up this fashion. It would then go global.

  2. I wonder if these lad would be able to walk on the street so skimpy. They are all fit lads with nice legs and thighs.

  3. Justin Beaber is not the lad to take up this fashion.

  4. I think that you mean the Canadian pop star Justin Bieber. No luck! He is tatoed on his legs and wear shorts far below the knee. I think that he is afraid of showing for everybody to see his creamy and smoothy thighs. It's just too bad.

  5. yes this isn't quite the look for a tattooed guy really.
