Monday, March 5, 2012

Rugger bugger


  1. This boy looks so smart and clean.Looket his gorgeous legs and thighs.

  2. Wowee. Have you got any more pics of this gorgeous man in his shorts, or even topless. Everything one could want in one energetic package.

  3. lol- wish i did have more pics of him. He looks the part that's for sure.

  4. Hi, see you got the pics off my imgrsc account, my name on there is ryaniscool. I will see if i can get some more pics of Adam. Can't log on my account for some reason on imgsrc at the moment. If i do eventually get on i will upload some more of Adam that i think you will like. He has gone a bit taller since these pics were took. He is already signed to a club, i watch him play sometimes, and he goes in the park where i go too, he will be a pro player one day. I am 2 years older than him .

  5. Hi Ryan- Thanks and feel free to send images of yourself in kit too if you like :-)

  6. haha its Ryan, i may send you some pics of me sometime.
    The geeks have deleted my imgsrc account for some violation, load of bull.
    I reckon they were jealous because i had the best pics on there.
    I'm glad you like the pics of Adam, he is even better when you see him in the flesh, he has gone taller.
    I see him sometimes in the park near me playing rugby and doing training.
