Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cutie in pink shorts


  1. Nice Daniel is a curious photo.....

  2. Nice pinky shorts but the lad has too much hair on his legs and seems toosad for me.

  3. I like the hairy legs on him- they suit him- the naff tattoo on the leg is a bad mistake though. He'll regret that in time to come.

  4. Your're right Danny. My parents had spanked me in the 70's when they realized that I got a tatoo on one of my legs not because of the tattoo but of the poor hygienic conditions under which it was done. Hairy legs! It's a matter of taste,

  5. Well, at last,I got it for good reasons. It was so irresponsible and immature from me. A tattoo on a leg is very difficult to remove in the future. This lad would be cuter with his long and coltish legs shaved or waxed like all metrosexual lad.
