Monday, December 19, 2011

Uniforms of the marching bands

Some of these are vintage pics, some are later. These marching bands do not proliferate with hot crisp military uniforms like this in the UK (unless I've been asleep and if I have someone please awake me). These pics come from Europe, North America and Canada.


  1. very beautiful pictures, especially the fifth one. Those boys look so cute in their (very) short trousers.

  2. The guy in the white shirt facing away from the camera in Pic #5 definitely has the best legs of anyone in this set! However, some of the legs displaying in Pic #9 might give his a run for their money.

  3. I thought they were amazing pics myself- fashion seems to be moving in this direction so lets hope....

  4. and happy Christmas and merry new year to you too...

    thanks :-)

  5. Hello,
    you cannot kwow, but the pic of the boys in short trousers and playing drums (5 pic) are member of a extreme right winged youth organisation in Flanders (belgium) the VNJ. This organisation is linked with a extreme rigt winged party ( vlaams belang).
    Simpy,look at there military boots. Better not to give them any publicity, the VNJ are real gay haters.

  6. My experience of organisations where crisp uniforms and gay hate prevail are that they are run by closet cases. I don't condone their politics but their good taste in sartorial elegance cannot be denied.

  7. I'm with Daniel on this one. What better way to be subversive that to put these guys on display.
