Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sailors in some R & R

Fit men in uniform snoozing, - but hell they look fit. Thanks to Martin for this pic.When I see a pic like this I can't believe how poor the rating is on the poll for formal shorts....I want to click it seventeen times over. Love those thighs.


  1. Nice pic.

    Cheeky place to lie down - and how come they all did it at once?

    Bit of posing going on here? Surely not!

    Dead cute anyway!

  2. Wow! That is a lovely photo, do you have any more like that. I love navy uniforms.

  3. Love men in uniform, especially when the shorts are as deliciously short as these, and th thighs good to look at.

  4. Yeah I think they are hot- regrettably that's the only one I have of those guys.
