Saturday, January 29, 2011

More of the Ostend College boys band

When I posted the picture of the Ostend College Boys Band last Sunday I didn't expect to hear from the original photographer. But I have !

Terza got in touch and sent in these four scans which are larger scale than the previous post - so thankyou to him. Apparently the guys now wear long trousers which is a shame - 'progress' has its downfalls.

These photos were taken in 1971 which explains the age of the bus in the previous post! Some people laugh at the 70s/80s styles but some of them are pretty hot in my opinion (for what its worth). It seems to show a 'freer' moment in sartorial history.


  1. And jolly fine they look too!

    Their white socks are shorter than their knees so there's rather more leg on show than is often the case.

  2. yes the socks look better slightly shorter I think

  3. I am outraged to learn that this fine band now wears long trousers. What on earth are the powers-that-be thinking of?

  4. It is a disgrace Peezedtee I totally agree

