Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scouts looking fit in shorts


  1. God! I've found a friend!

    I've been on about the length of shorts today until all our American friends are making silly comments back!

    Have a look at my picture blog
    and go for the school uniform pages. I have a few pics of lads in proper 2" inside leg shorts - and heaven defend us from 'boardshorts' and the like.

    Do you wanna swap links? Pete and I live in Derbyshire and I'm sure we've got tales to tell each other.

    There's an email link on my blog you can use with pleasure!

  2. Yeah this is a funny one; I am not sure why men have become so reserved and women so mouthy on this subject.

    Examples of guys in short shorts are usually shown on overweight middle aged and not desperately photogenic guys as how not to wear shorts- I've seen this a lot. However it wouldn't matter what these examples wear- they often do not look good in anything.

    Cristiano Ronaldo is changing this status quo fortunately.

    With guys now generally taking much more care about the way they look they are really missing a trick in not showing off great legs and I hope this blog helps change their perceptions about how hot they can look.

    Thanks for the comment and getting in touch and yes nice to know I'm not the only one who likes well toned fit guys displaying some of their tone.

    I have started a blogroll today as people have been asking to link for a while so I have finally done it.


  3. Thanks for the link-back
