Friday, July 10, 2009

Skimpy shorts sales soar

Tanning and waxing products and sales of skimpy shorts are booming as men embrace their metrosexuality, eBay has said.

New Real Madrid signing Cristiano Ronaldo first boosted the trade in tiny shorts when he was pictured in a skin-tight pair last month. And Sacha Baron Cohen's alter-ego, the gay Austrian fashionista Bruno, appears to have added to the trend.

Skimpy shorts sales are up 250 per cent on 2008 and 3,330 pairs have been sold in the last seven days alone. Meanwhile the number of men buying sun beds and lamps is up 20 per cent, with 7,500 more sun beds bought in the past 12 months than the year before.

Fake tan sales have increased 16 per cent, with 40,000 extra bottles bought through the auction site, and in the past three months, British men have spent £30,447 on waxing strips, with more than 4,000 waxing kits purchased through the site.

Julia Hutton-Potts, of eBay, said: "If it's hot in the news, then it's hot on eBay, and the current male pampering and preening trend is very apparent on the site."

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