Thursday, March 31, 2011

White shorts fit lad

I saw this lad at Smuttystuff's blog, and thought he looked the part.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sports shorts on fit lad

The poll past 1000 votes since January- thanks guys. Sports shorts are clearly a winner but I see lycra, cutoffs and school shorts styles are also showing popularity- get your vote in now. If you like your lads in military styles or have something to say about afl/rugby hotties then just tick that box !

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chord Overstreet in gold shorts

Big thanks to Terza who pointed me in the direction of this fit lad with a very memorable name - Glee's Chord Overstreet. He is a hottie and nicely defined.

This is also a general thankyou to the guys who regularly write in and suggest photos- I appreciate your input guys.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Which of these sports has the best shorts then?

So, if these photos are a guide; which sport do you think is the hottest? What's your sartorial preference?

Today's choice:

Cricket (a very casual non pro look here, but fit all the same)

Thanks to Martin for the pics.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The rich are doing it this year.....

Today I picked up the new magazine Mode by It's a freebie, but packed with some stylish photography. Interestingly it has an article on "The Tennis Short Returns".

"To find true elegance, as is the case with most things, we must go back in time. Style-wise, the golden years of tennis were the Seventies, and the influence of this decadent decade is back with a vengeance- think Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors. These were spit and swadust dudes. They had torsos like He-Man and yet they donned the shorts of Christopher Robin. An oxymoronic vision granted, yet it looked so, so right."

However this magazine also presents a fashion shoot called Desert Storm which shows a few young men in....very stylish short shorts, albeit ridiculously priced. However that is the point because where the rich go today, the rest of us follow tomorrow. This spread indicates a sea change in attitude towards the stylish look of guys in well fitted short shorts.

I hope this summer to see some fit lads donning them.

Photos from Shortlist